Water Bottle Guidelines 24-25
Eaton Park's Virtual Orientation 24-25: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGKwnS_aHw/zYB0MLacvjEJQVHLRn-STg/view?utm_content=DAGKwnS_aHw&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel
We invite all students, Pre-K through 2nd Grade to drop off supplies and meet their teacher! We can't wait to see you Little Wildcats!
Please bring student backpacks to Meet & Greet to get your official EPE backpack tag!! These tags will be used to help students navigate to class on the first day of school!
📌Jobs open Monday!
EPE Uniform Quick Guide 24-25
New Student Registration:
We can't wait to meet our new Little Wildcats!! ❤️🐾
Use the link to apply!
VPSS District Calendar 24-25
Attention Pre-K and K Parents for 24-25!!
Registration for the June 11 meal boxes ends on Friday. Please register if you are interested.
The link is below.
Final Newsletter of 23-24
Have a Happy Summer
Here is the link to the May 12 newsletter from central office.
Sunday newsletter link
Please consider completing this communication survey. Thanks Superintendent Byler
Leap Schedules for Elementary, Middle and High School can now be found on the home page of the VPSS Website.
EPE 1st graders have been working super hard for their March progress monitoring - Mr. Tommy Byler and Mrs. Kim Etie came around to visit and bring them Easter treats!
Sunday Newsletter
The link to the March 17th Newsletter
Synergy at its finest! EPE 2nd grade teachers and HES 3rd grade teachers spent some time this week analyzing 2nd and 3rd grade math standards.